Presbyopia and Vision Changes As You Age

Posted on May 13, 2020

Most middle-aged adults experience vision changes related to a condition known as presbyopia.  Presbyopia results in the gradual loss of the ability to focus on near objects.  It is a normal age-related change that begins to occur around the early to mid-40s and continues throughout adulthood.  Though this vision condition can be frustrating, confusing, or even embarrassing at first, it is a completely normal occurrence and there are many different options to help correct the blurry near vision caused by presbyopia.  


What Causes Presbyopia?

The focusing system of the eye is what allows us to view objects that are up-close, far away, and all distances in-between.  In youth, the focusing system of the eye is robust and flexible, and can easily focus to a wide range of distances.  However, as we age, the focusing system becomes more rigid, making it more difficult to clearly view objects at a close distance.  The acquired rigidness of the focusing system is a normal, age-related change and has no impact on the overall health of the eye or visual system.  Presbyopia gradually worsens over time, and near objects will become blurrier and blurrier.


Symptoms of Presbyopia

The early symptoms of presbyopia can be confusing at first. One of the most common early signs of presbyopia is needing to hold objects further away than normal in order to see them clearly.  While holding objects further away may work temporarily, presbyopia causes progressively blurred near vision as time goes on.  It may be more difficult to focus on fine print, and near work may be accompanied by headaches or significant eye strain.  People who are naturally farsighted may experience the symptoms of presbyopia sooner and more severely, while those who are nearsighted typically do not notice the symptoms quiet as early in life. Unfortunately, the blurred vision caused by presbyopia cannot simply be fixed by “focusing harder.”  For most, this vision condition requires optical correction in order to clearly and comfortably see close objects again. 


Seeing Clearly with Presbyopia 

Luckily, there are many corrective options for those affected by presbyopia.  Many people choose to use reading glasses to help them see up-close, but these glasses need to be removed in order to see clearly far away.  For people interested in a single pair of glasses that can be worn full time, there are several different options that can provide clear vision for near and distance objects.  Lined bifocal lenses contain a distance prescription at the top of the lens, and a reading prescription at the bottom.  Similarly, progressive lenses, or “no-line bifocals,” contain a gradient of prescriptions to allow for clear vision at a range of distances.  Many people prefer these lens options in order to avoid putting on and removing glasses many times throughout the day.  There are even contact lens options for those affected by presbyopia that want to avoid glasses altogether.  Multifocal contact lenses are special soft lenses that provide correction for both distance and near vision.  They come in many different brands and designs, so almost all contact lens wearers can find a multifocal lens that works for them.  


Our eye doctor at Eye Theory in Houston, TX excels in the prescription of contact lenses, glasses and various eye diseases.  Call our optometrist at 832.831.7386 or schedule an appointment online if you would like to learn more about presbyopia.  Our eye doctor, Dr. Jonathan Tsao, provides the highest quality optometry services  and eye exams in Houston and Midtown Texas area.

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